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Take Your Messaging Pulse


Rework your messaging and conquer 2022 with this 5 step process

It's been a while. Time has flown and it is hard to believe that 2021 is winding down. For the past two months, we have been head-down working with clients to deliver sharp messaging to reflect their goals and mission. As I have shared previously, there is a process to this madness and with 2022 upon us, I am sharing some tips to evaluate and rejuvenate your go to market approach - a system to help you take the pulse of your messaging.

For the newbies out there - of course you need to think critically about your message. You are launching something new and want to ensure your words match your intention. We are with you and these tips will help.

But what about those of you who are already operating? or raised a round? maybe you have clients? Do you really need to spend energy taking the pulse of your messaging???

HELL YES! and here's why....

The healthcare industry is on fire - its booming with money and innovation. Everyone and their dog is launching the best medication, AI solution, clinical decision software, patient communication platform and more...

You name it and others have launched it.

In fact, the global MedTech market value is projected to reach over $529 billion in 2022. MedTech apps, digital assistants, A.I. robotics and software algorithms are flourishing across the healthcare spectrum, promoting new technology and innovation. And these innovations are worth big money. Over the past year, MedTech mergers were valued at over $62 billion. Consumer-driven healthcare in virtual, tech and front-facing along with pharmaceuticals, biotech and life science are trends calling the attention of industry leaders.

Even Amazon is doing healthcare.

Clearly, standing out is more important than ever and requires a clear message that very specifically speaks to your product. Avoid the buzz words, cut the noise, get specific and take your pulse.

Step 1: Back up

Before evaluating anything specific, take a look at the year you've had. Client wins, excellent presentations and rejected proposals all tell a story, informing the message you share with your audience. Did your business repeatedly struggle in the same area? What part of your offering did your clients love? What question was repeatedly asked of you?

Take a step back and evaluate the forest. We will get to the trees in a minute.

Step 2: Goals

Start the year with a new set of goals - no more than 3. Goals are easier to set once the past year has been evaluated. Some ideas include:

  • Market growth in a certain area

  • Revenue goals

  • Service offering - create, build it out, organize

Some clients prefer to set a larger goal with "sub-goals"or objectives under it. Whatever you choose, pick a goal that is courageous yet, attainable - and based on lessons learned.

Step 3: Key Messaging

Tagline, mission, company story, key features, value proposition ...

These are the component of the bible: the key message document. All communication, marketing and sales efforts are based on this! And now that you have identified lessons learned AND set new goals for the coming year, you can review your messaging template and tweak what isn't serving you.

  • Maybe you need to shift your founders story since it isn't as relatable as you had hoped?

  • Or, perhaps that word you used as a differentiator is actually turning business away?

Dig deep and change what isn't serving you anymore. And if your messaging needs a complete overhaul, don't sweat it. As your company evolves, your messaging will as well. That is to be expected.

Step 4: Material Review

In a perfect world, all communication and marketing materials reflect your core messaging. Though, as we have seen over the past few years - our world is far from perfect. But, let's try...

  • Identify what materials you have (or need to create). This can include website, presentation decks, one pagers/product summaries, social content, blog posts...

  • Evaluate how they are used and if they are successful

  • Qualify what changes need to be made based on the new messaging you created in step 4

This can be a lengthy process. Map out all the changes that need to take place and head on over to step 5.

Step 5: Prioritize and Take Action

You don't need to conquer 2022 by accomplishing this all in January. But, you should have a plan. Follow these steps - and once you get here, make a list, prioritize and take action. Hire a consultant, assign tasks to employees or handle this yourself. Just follow your plan so you stay on task and feel good about your new consistent, market friendly, jaw dropping company messaging.

Need some help or want to talk further, email us at

Wishing you all a healthy & happy 2022.

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